Second Conference on Administrative Sciences

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia



Objectives & Domain

Conference Tracks



Conference Committees

Short Courses




Meeting the Challenges of the Globalization Age


Registration Fees For

Short Courses


Registration Fees:

1.      Early Registration (Before April 8, 2004)    SR850

2.      Registration           (After April 8, 2004)     SR950


Fee Payment Method:

1.      Checks made in Saudi Riyals drawn on Saudi Banks payable to: 2nd Adm. Scien. Conf. / KFUPM

2.      Deposit the amount in Riyadh Bank, Account # 312, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Name of Account: 2nd Adm. Scien. Conf. / KFUPM
Account No.: 312-174986-9940



1.      No personal checks will be accepted

2.      All payments must be in Saudi Riyals

3.      Courses 1-7 to be held on April 17 April 2004

4.      Courses 8-14 to be held on April 18 April 2004

5.      All short courses are in English except short course # 13 which is offered in Arabic


Registration Form:

You can access the registration form on this link:    Registration Form

For enquiries and additional information about registration, please contact the Chairman of the Conference Registration Committee:

Dr. Haider H. Madani,

P. O. Box 733, Dhahran, 31261 Saudi Arabia

Tel:           (966) 3 860-2508  

Fax:          (966) 3 860-4866



Our Pre-Conference One-Day Workshops






Developed by

Hani M. S. Al-Kadi

Business Development Unit